“A Still, Small Voice”
I Kings 19:11-18
1. There is an old story of Elijah, who under persecution and fear of death was told by the Angel of the Lord to hide in Mount Horeb.
Read – I Kings 19:11-18
Many today are seeking great signs and wonders that will lead them to God and His salvation – but – even today, the power of God comes in a “still, small voice”.
2. Ask yourself: “what can be accomplished in a “still, small voice”:
Read - Mark 4:36-41
Christ, through the power of His “still, small voice”, compared to that of the raging tempest, had the ability to control the wind itself. The ability of His “still, small voice” can be seen in the Gospel story by His simple utterance “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19, Matthew 9:9), and “It is finished” (John 19:30).
3. We know by the account of Paul to the Romans, that a “still, small voice” has the power to save the lost:
Read – Romans 10:8-13
We also know by The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) that we are commanded to carry our “still, small voice” all over the World.
4. In considering that “still, small voice”, consider the room you are in today:
Total Room = Population of the World
1Square = Those in the World proclaiming Christ
1 Dot = The New Testament Church
1Grain of Mustard Seed = This Congregation
Read – Matthew 13:31-32
From that tree will sprout thousands of mustard seeds which have the capability to generate millions of mustard seeds and so on and so on…
5. Yesterday, 17 “still, small voices” planted 162 “mustard seeds” in the Chatsworth community.
Remember the unsaved in Romans?
Read – Romans 10:14-15
We’ve planted the seed, now we pray for rain – God will give the increase.
But, as we know, hearing is not enough.
“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” Romans 10:17
With our faith must come our obedience to God’s plan of salvation.
· We must Believe what we hear (Hebrews 11:6)
· We must Repent from all sins (Acts 2:38)
· We must Confess the name of Jesus as Christ (Acts 8:35-39)
· We must be Baptized (immersed) into Christ (Mark 16:16)
· And then we must be Faithful unto Death (Revelation 2:10)
Whatever your needs: Obedience to God’s will, Prayers for strength and guidance, or Restoration in the Family of God, God’s Invitation is always open for you to come to Him. Please come, as we stand and as we sing.